Having money is crucial to obtaining the things we need in life, and of course, having extra for the wants is nice too. However, الات عد النقود problems can occur when parents don’t teach money management skills at a young age, usually when the child starts getting an allowance or has a job, such as babysitting or mowing lawns. When credit card offers start arriving in the mail, they are an easy fix when there’s no more money left. Teaching your children about money, as well as credit cards, can be easy, and even a fun experience, but most importantly, a very valuable lesson. Here are a number of ways to teach children about money, so they don’t end up having problems in the future.
When they are young enough to count, take an active role in teaching them about currency, such as pennies, nickels, dime and quarters, as well as dollar bills. Have them do simple math including adding and subtracting. When they get older, you can introduce new concepts and issues.
Teaching your children about money becomes a much easier task when you have learned the lessons you are teaching. Children are smart and they know when a parent is a good example. Your kids won’t listen to a word you say if your money management skills aren’t up to par, so learn all you can about budgeting, saving, investing, reducing expenses and cutting out debt. When you’re armed with knowledge, you’re better able to teach your children.
Yes, that means give them some money. Even if it’s a few dollars a week, let them take control of their own money and make their own decisions about what they want to do with it. A good example of how much to give them would be a dollar for their age. So, if you have a ten-year-old, give them ten dollars, for either a week or a month, depending on your own budget. If they’re never given any money, they will never learn how to manage it.
This way, they can then see first-hand what it’s like to have money. Hopefully, if you have taught them, first by example, and then with the knowledge you have gained, they will think twice on how to spend it, or even if they want to. They may decide to put some away for a rainy day or they may blow it the first chance they get. Whatever choice they make in managing it, will help them be good money managers in adulthood.
If you bombard them with everything all at once, they will only be confused. We can’t expect them to be awesome money managers overnight. It takes time. Once a month, teach them one principal about money. For example, this month, you can teach them about budgeting their money. The next month could be about having a savings account, and so forth. If you teach line-by-line, precept-by precept, they will absorb more of the lesson. No one wants to be preached to.
Whether they go beyond completing their chores or do a specific job you need help with, give them extra opportunities to earn money. The more experience they have with money, the better skilled they will become. If they choose to blow it all up front, it will teach them about patience and saving for what they really want. This sets up a great foundation for investing money for the future or putting money away for emergencies.
Humans are impatient creatures. We want things and we want them now, even if we don’t have the money. Credit cards have become the staple for many families, often leading to out-of-control debt, but when credit is used wisely, it can be very valuable, such as for credit ratings. When you use credit and you pay it off on time, companies are more willing to offer you more credit to buy things such as a home or a car. Having a good credit score rating can open doors for small business or college loans. Teach children that credit is not a gift; it’s a loan. Tell them that credit has to be paid back, often with high interest rates, and that only when they have a plan to pay it back should they get a credit card.
When children save their money for a rainy day or for special things, they feel a certain stewardship over that particular item or service, because they had to save money and patiently wait until they had it. That would be hard for any adult to achieve, let alone a child, but it can be done. Having a savings account is helpful; after all, if the money is “locked” away, it becomes less of a temptation to spend it! Not only that, but depending on their age, bank institutions have special accounts that give back small interest payments, which can be an incentive for a hesitant child to begin saving.
When you give allowances, give it to them in denominations that encourage savings. So, if you give a child $5, give out five $1 bills and encourage that at least $1 go to savings. When they have saved the money, pat them on the back for a job well done. Children love praise and just telling them you are proud of their decision gives them more confidence that lasts into adulthood.
Even if they only get a few dollars a week, children can list things they want to do with their money and whether they have the money to get those things. For example, say your child wants to put some money into savings, or buy a toy or a new pair of jeans. Sit down with them and help them a few times to budget, or project how much that particular item will be, and then determine if they have the money, or how much money they need to save in order to get it. Once they know about budgeting their money, it will become easier to manage their money in the future.