Millions Lost, Millions Gained – The Gamble of Hotel Remodelling

Millions to be spent and millions to be lost – these are some consequences facing hotel owners that have hotel Home additions plans. Although there are daunting factors involved, many hotel owners still go through with their hotel remodeling plans for the benefits that would follow the renovation.

Hotel remodeling, unlike home remodeling, can’t be done pertaining to just one room or one area. Hotel remodeling involves a renovation of a great portion of the hotel and sometimes, even the whole hotel itself. This type of renovation can be best exhibited and explained by using or analyzing the recently renovated Marriott Hotel in Missouri.

The original hotel which was completed back in 1985 has not had any renovations to its guest rooms in the last 10-years and has not had any renovations done with its bathroom since it was built. A large empty space in the hotel grounds also has a future use that is yet undecided.

Although the hotel is still fairly new compared to some of the historic hotels in New York, the hotel renovation of the Marriott complex was decided to be able to face competition from the newer and sleeker luxury hotels that popped up in recent years. This means that the hotel owner needs to create a new inviting look for its interiors and rooms which could be done with carpets and artwork. The untouched bathrooms are also getting renovated with granite countertops and a more dramatic theme. The Marriott hotel also takes a step forward with technology by having wireless internet available to over 50% of their guest rooms.

In the hotel remodeling of the Marriott complex, the owner of the hotel seeks to attract business through conventions that would like to use the hotel as their grounds and accommodations. This would provide a wide advertisement for convention-goers to book rooms in the hotel. This in turn would give the Marriott hotel complex a larger demographic when it comes to hotel guests and those wanting to return to the hotel should they come around the city once again.

The cost may be great but the benefits cannot be denied when it pertains to hotel remodeling. Although the benefits of hotel remodeling would come in gradually, in the long run, the renovations would help create a greater return for hotel owners and administrators as well as providing customers and guests quality accommodations and services that could keep them coming and coming back.

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