If you are looking for specific US 844 area code, you can find this information easily on the internet. Just enter the words “US dialings” in one of the many available search engines and you will receive a list of all the websites containing this information.
US Phone Codes
US phone codes can also be found in reference materials such as atlases, encyclopedias or maps. Many companies publish documents with this information. For example, a list of US phone dialings can be found near the back of the International Planners published by A Global World.
US Area Code List
Many websites and reference books will contain a comprehensive US area code list. These lists display each state within the US as well as the particular area used by the region. You need to make sure you dial the correct area code in order to call a number within a specific state.
US Listing
If you don’t have access to the internet and can’t visit a local library, you can obtain a US area code listing from your telephone operator. Just dial “0” or call directory assistance, and they will advise you exactly which to use for a specific state.
US By State
Each different state within the US has its own area code. You will require this information in order to successfully place a call to a particular state. Look for a list that sorts each US area code by State.
US Map
You can also consult a US dialing codes map to determine the appropriate three-digit number. This document will show you a visual map of every US state. Once you find a map, you can click on a particular state to find out all the codes for that area.
US City Codes
In addition to specific dialing codes within each state, US city dialing codes are also used. These codes specify which numbers precede calls made to a particular American city. Canada dialing codes Each area of Canada also has its own three-digit number. If you are looking for Canada dialing codes, you should search the internet, phone the operator or visit your local library.
Canada Map
You can search for a particular code by using a Canada area code map. This document will offer a visual representation of each province and territory within Canada, along with its appropriate area code. Ontario dialing codes You may want to find the number used by a particular province such as all of the Ontario dialing codes. You can obtain area code listings or maps by consulting the internet, local library or telephone operator.