One of the most common questions I receive from homeowners is: Should I sell my house privately or via a real estate agent? When you’re considering selling your house you have the option to sell using licensed real estate agent or selling your house privately yourself. The Internet has changed the face of real estate in the past ten years; we’re now at a stage where properties are selling over the internet, sight-unseen. While this sounds like it’s easy to sell a house, it’s not quite that simple. There are many pros and cons for selling privately or via an agent and in this article we’ll investigate the advantages and disadvantages of each so that you can make an informed decision.
Should I Sell My House Privately?
It has probably never been easier to sell your Sell my house Sacramento privately nowadays thanks to the impact that the Internet has had on the way that people source, buy and sell real estate. The Internet now makes it possible for any homeowner to list their house for sale using an unlimited number of websites all at a relatively low price when considering the commission that would normally be paid to a real estate agent for selling your house. Let’s consider some of the advantages and disadvantages of selling your house privately.
Should I Sell My House Using a Real Estate Agent?
This is the most common way to sell your house, simply because most homeowners prefer to have an experienced, professional representative take care of the sale of their house. Just like you go to an accountant for financial advice or a doctor for medical advice, having the right real estate agent representing your house can help to make the whole experience easier, quicker and profitable. Let’s investigate some of the advantages and disadvantages of using a real estate agent to sell your house.
Whichever path you decide is right for you, just be sure to conduct your own research into property values around the area so that you know what is realistic and what isn’t. Also, if you choose to have a sworn valuation done on your house (by a licensed property valuation firm), just remember that a valuation and your end sales price will usually be different. Valuers are usually conservative in their estimates and base their values on historical sales figures (over the previous few months and further back if required). Keep your eye on the newspaper for asking-prices of houses that are similar to yours and use these to create a realistic sale price for your house. Remember, you can always come down in price, but not up (unless it’s a highly desirable property, you’re holding an auction or the market is red hot!). A sworn valuation will set you back around $300.
Matt Adams is Author of the book: 9 Secrets to Sell Your House For More in Any Market. In his book Matt shows homeowners how to quickly and easily sell their house for the highest price in the shortest possible timeframe, it’s so simple, anyone can do it.