I sold it recently. We had a Spectrum Metro cart which our real estate agents would “man” by reserving time on the schedule. Every other company in the area wanted that mall cart-kiosk, but we had an exclusive agreement with the mall management. Our total cost to lease and maintain it was $2,300. At the top of the R.E. boom, we had 140 agents, each paying $35 to help support the mall location. We were down to 80 agents at the time we sold the office. My point is, what I’m proposing below is rooted in reality – people will pay for a chance stand at your kiosk.
Occasionally, our agent who was scheduled, would show up late for their 3 hour shift, only to find a real estate agent from another office manning the location (sneaking a “freebie”).. Why? Because our mall cart-kiosk generated about 2 good leads an hour, on the average.
Each of your “subscribers” would place their real estate sign on the post when they were at the cart-kiosk. Use a big screen TV on each side. Arrange with a computer-tech to produce a DVD every couple of weeks of the “hot deals” from the MLS, so that they rotate across the screen (the photo from the listing, the price, size, age of each).
Sell local agents time at the mall cart-kiosk by the hour. For example, The mall cart may cost you $1,500 a month (some will be more and some will be less). You may have about 224 “viable hours” to sell. What would you have to get for each hour to have this make sense? If you charged $16 an hour (you can get more in areas where the mall cart-kiosk rental is higher because the real estate commissions will be higher on home sales as well) your total gross would be 224 hours x $16 = $3,360, and a net income of about $1,500 for you. Why would this work? Because an agent can easily clear over $3,000 from just one lead! And these are really good leads because of the face to face contact – these leads make internet leads look “stupid” from an ROI (return on investment) view.