Cats And Urinary Issues

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, 57% of households in the United States owned a pet at the end of 2016, and 25% of those households owned a birman cats for sale. Cats have long brought joy to many people, and there is plenty of research to suggest owning pets can increase a person’s happiness and even overall health.

But what about when they inappropriately urinate in the house? Nobody likes house soiling and cats are often the culprits of this undesirable behavior. In this article, we will explore urinary tract disease and disorders in cats, how to recognize symptoms and how to help prevent them.

Feline Urinary Tract Disease and Disorders

The two main causes of urinary disorders in cats can be lumped into behavioral problems and medical problems. Anytime your cat suddenly starts avoiding the box and urinating inappropriately, a veterinary visit is always warranted. A physical exam, urinalysis, and possibly imaging with x-rays or ultrasound are needed to make an accurate diagnosis.

Causes of Feline Urinary Issues

Medical causes for urinary disorders in cats are varied and can include common things, like bacterial infection and inflammatory cystitis, and less common disorders, such as Diabetes and kidney disease. Typical urinary tract infection symptoms seen in cats include frequent squatting, with small amounts of urine being produced. Occasionally owners may see blood in the litterbox as well.

Symptoms of Urinary Issues in Cats

Some cats may urinate outside the box, because they possibly associate urinary pain with the litterbox, thus they avoid it. Anytime your cat is frequently going to the litterbox with small amounts of urine being produced, a trip to the vet is warranted

Can Both Male and Female Cats Have Urinary Tract Problems?

When these symptoms occur in a male cat, the likelihood of this being related to cystitis, versus a true bacterial infection, is much more likely. In male cat anatomy, the urethra is much narrower than in a female. This makes bacteria travelling up into the bladder less likely, but also makes it harder for urine to be voided if inflammation is present. This is why in male cats, straining to urinate can be associated with complete urinary blockage. This is very dangerous and cats can die from it if left untreated.

Symptoms of underlying systemic diseases, like kidney disease or diabetes typically present a little differently. These cats usually are voiding very large amounts of urine, but are not always going to the box more frequently. Some may pee outside the litterbox, but the urine may be devoid of an odor since it is so diluted. Owners typically notice the clumps of litter in the box are larger in size. Some owners may notice the water level in the dish going down quicker as well.

Treatment of Urinary Issues in Cats

Treatment really depends on the underlying problem, but there are some things that can be done to prevent urinary issues, especially sterile cystitis in male cats, and urinary tract infections in female cats. Feeding a urinary specific diet can help dilute out the urine, making inflammation causing crystals less likely to form. A cat with more diluted urine will sometimes void their bladder more frequently as well, which can help prevent ascending bacteria from causing a bacterial infection.

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