Are we to have all the rights, just because we are at the top of the food chain? Does that give humans the right to remove selten privileges? Didn’t we learn our lesson through countless wars?
It seems not! A lot of people still do not get it, like a child who never learns. Animals have rights. And they surely deserve respect, so they can live their lives free from suffering, abuse, and mistreatment. A life is a life, and it should be valued. Animals cannot speak for themselves and for that reason we have to be their voice and care for them.
So, protecting them is something you and I should be proud of. As individuals, it is our responsibility. All creatures have the right to be free of persecution, cruelty, captivity, exploitation, and abuse by people. When we respect the well-being of animals, we restore balance in natural preservation.
Yet, too many think that animals are on this planet for us to exploit, dominate, use and rule over them. A lot of us believe that we are above it all, but we have so much to learn. However, there are also those who do think that animals deserve respect as much as people.
So, I am one of those people who firmly believe animals should have a better place in our world. They are sentient beings. We should protect them the same way we look after a disabled child. Both of them do not have the same conscious principles that we do. But they still need to be loved, cared for, protected and respected.
Just because animals cannot tell us how they feel, it does not mean that they have no rights. One day our sun will expand, and that will be the end of us. Yet, we cannot get away from a fact. It is we people who are defining which criteria to put on worth. But who gave us such a privilege?
In my opinion, I believe that animals hold a special place in our world and some of them, especially our pets, become family members. They do not have a voice to speak up for themselves, so they deserve respect and to be saved. And I believe that we, as people should do that for them.
Of course, I do not believe that animals need to rule human society. But does it give us the right to be cruel, kill, abuse, starve, torture or slaughter other living creatures? It is illegal to kill another person, but somehow, it is okay to hurt, mistreat or kill animals. How is that any less bad? Most of us are blind to the truth.
In truth, we are an arrogant species, entitling ourselves to be superior to all other species and lowering any other classes. Most people claim that animals do not have feelings or have a soul. They believe them to be worthless, and only here to provide food and needs for us, human beings.
Since I am a child, I always rebelled and wondered why man believes he is at the top of the food chain. We are not faster, stronger or even brighter than a lot of animals. Of course, we can reason and have a great deal of intelligence at our disposal. But then again we are also the only arrogant species who have so little respect and is bent on killing the very planet that sustains our lives. So, to me, this kind of intelligence looks more like stupidity.